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General information

The educational institution began its history in 1985 as a branch of the Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi Pedagogical School. And since 1986, the institution has been working as an independent educational institution Bila Tserkva Pedagogical College. From the first days, the institution trained specialists in such specialties: ‘Preschool Education’, ‘Primary Education’. Later, it trained the specialists in the specialties ‘Extra-curricular educational work’, ‘Fine arts’, ‘Social pedagogy’. During its existence, the educational institution trained more than 5.8 thousand specialists. By the decision of the Kyiv Regional Council dated June 22, 2020 No. 838-35-VII, the type of institution was changed, it was renamed to the Kyiv Regional Council Communal Institution ‘Bila Tserkva Applied Humanitarian Pedagogical College’ and a new Statute was approved.


Licenses for education, accreditation


Licenses for education:

Accreditation 013 Primary education (Bachelor’s degree):

Accreditation 013 Preschool education (Bachelor’s degree):

All the sources:


Address: 37, Yaroslava Mudroho St., Bila Tserkva, Kyiv region, 09107, Ukraine

Http: //

Liliya Stepchenko

Tel .: +380981217729 Viber/WhatsUp/Telegram

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Educational programs

College carries out training of Junior Bachelors in such specialties as 013 Primary Education, 014.12 Secondary education (Arts. Fine Arts), 231 Social Work and Bachelors in such specialties as 012 Preschool education, 013 Primary education.

The institution prepares specialists to carry out pedagogical activities in the education system of Ukraine, the main types of which are training, development and upbringing of primary school students in the position of primary school teachers, who can also be English language teachers, teachers of the basics of computer science, coaches of sports sections and clubs, teacher's assistants for inclusive education in primary schools, preschool teachers.

Our college also prepares professional junior bachelors, who will carry out professional activities as specialists in art education, teachers of fine arts in general educational institutions and as specialists in social work to provide advisory assistance to individuals, families, groups in the event that they have social and personal difficulties.

Educational process in the college is organized taking into account digitalization of education, modern innovative technologies aimed at forming professionally competent, harmoniously developed personality that is capable of working in the conditions of a modern school and lifelong learning.


Teaching staff

High-quality professional training of future educational specialists is provided by 74 pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers of the college.

10 teachers have the experience of participation in international projects.


Our students

There are 764 students in our college including 603 students of full-time education and 161 students of correspondence form of education.

Professional Junior Bachelor – 451 students (full-time study), 48 (correspondence form of education).

First (bachelor) level of higher education – 152 students (full-time study), 113 students (correspondence form of education).